Tuesday, 17 August 2021

on drunkeness

ver•i•ly vĕr′ə-lē I say unto you that your drunkeness will not be raised by Jesus-God in His judgement on the last day.

GOD isn't interested, its only a sin to the Fundie and Evangelical wannabe Christian.

No mention in Matthew 25 where Jesus tells us how he will devide all of us into sheep or goats

The sheep into eternal life the goats into eternal separation

Pseodo god Paul, of the evangelicals clearly seen to be spreading his Pharisitical bullshit in 1 Corinthians 9 and 10, he was not there when Jesus spoke in Matthew 25.

Had Pseodo god Paul been present at the sermon on the Mount his fictitious conversion story would not have been about persecution, that was covered in that sermon and the disciples told persecution makes us stronger makes no sense at all that Jesus-God would complain about it.

In each account of this fictitious conversion Paul tells it differently. I can assure you as a retired police officer had a suspect told me 3 different stories of the same event I wouldn't believe a word he said.

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